We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom”
- E.O. Wilson, Harvard Biologist
At no time in human history has their been such free access to information. Nearly every bit of recorded human history is available to us… every scientific discovery ever made, every horrible thing, and every great thing. AND, AI tools can package it up and provide it to you after a simple voice command. These tools can even learn to know how you’d like that information served, and provide it with the political slant you prefer, in the language you speak, and all in seconds.
But information is not wisdom. Wisdom makes us better. More is not better. Misinformation is not better.
So, over the course of the next several months, the CrowdSouth team will be sharing bits of wisdom. These are things we’ve found to be true in our industry, in our specialties, and in our daily work. I hope these little bits are helpful for you. Discard the ones that aren’t, and PLEASE reach out if something strikes a chord or if the information has you asking more questions. We are more than happy to help. Like I always tell the team… give the information away, we want our clients and partners to see us as experts and trust us. We are all too busy to do it all ourselves, so maybe they’ll want us to step in and help make sense of it all for them. Even if they don’t, they’ve left more informed and will hopefully say positive things about us.
Here’s to WISDOM!